Mrs. F.
Ifeoma Fafunwa, Mrs. F., takes up the challenge of staging her play HEAR WORD! about the abuse of women in male-dominated Makoko, a slum with houses on stilts in the lagoon of Lagos. Besides the original cast of Nigeria’s most acclaimed actresses, Ifeoma will cast young women in Makoko who are subject to the same fate as many of the women in Nigeria. Ifeoma connects with them through her personal struggle with her background. Can Ifeoma set a transformation in motion in the heart of the fastest growing city in the world that breaks with the silence culture in Nigeria.
Director: Chris van der Vorm
Writer: Chris van der Vorm
(Co-)producers: Volya Films (NL)
Release Date:
Partners: Netherlands Production Incentive
Length: 76 minutes
Genre: Documentary
DoP: Bert Haitsma
Sound: Gerben Kokmeijer
Editor: Katherina Wartena, Patrick Minks
Sound design: Ranko Paukovic